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num1First, you download the mp3 files from our website.

Click the "Routes" link on the left side. You'll be able to choose between the "Long Run" and the "Short Run" in the sub-menu. The map on the right shows you the corresponding routes also containing additional information on the objects. To download the audio files for the corresponding run, click the "Download LongRun" or "Download ShortRun" button below the map.
num2Then, sync these files to your mp3 player.

The mp3 files are all combined in a zip archive. You should be able to open the zip file and see the mp3 files with most operating systems by double-clicking the downloaded file.
If you have problems doing that, consult your mp3 player's user manual or ask an experienced person.
num3Now, find the starting point of our tour and start the playback of our city guide.
historisches museum basel Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Sonntag, 11 bis 17 Uhr
zum schmale wurf